Snack Time

It has been quite some time that I have posted anything new. I figured that since school was out for summer, I would take a nice break before school started up again.

Even though it is mid July, I have noticed that my blog is as popular as it was during the school year.  I have added a lot of followers to my blog, a lot of re-pins on Pinterest, a few more Likes on Facebook and just received a new request for a Snack Time playlist.

From Kate:
I would love to see what kind of playlist(s) you can come up with for snack time.
We usually break for 10-15 minutes. Thanks!


Now, I have no idea what grade level we are talking about here, but I am going to assume Pre-schoolers to maybe third graders? I can’t say I remember taking snack breaks when I was in fifth grade but maybe I am wrong.

Anyways, hopefully this playlist is what you are looking for Kate.


PS-I do apologize about the Peanut Butter Jelly Time song as it might be the most annoying song in the world, but I do recall hearing it around kids before and they thought it was the funniest/best thing ever.


3 thoughts on “Snack Time

  1. Nicely written.

    I told a friend of mine about your website and just received this email:

    From Bernie:

    My wife and her friends are all teachers and at this time of year they sit and talk about how long it is until their Christmas vacation and how short Spring break is going to be.  Do you think that Classroom DJ has any tunes for me?



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